Doug Anderson 5K Wednesday 19th July 2023
Bedford Harriers AC 2023
Highlights Start time: 19:30 Bedford Park Entry limit: 450 Entry fees: affiliated £13, unaffiliated £15 Medal to finishers* Chip timing: Start - Finish Course measurement certificate no. 21/091
The course A measured two and a half lap, on wide asphalt paths, of the beautiful grounds of Bedford Park, with redwoods, a lake, bandstand and vintage cafe. Course map here, or click here to view the route. Course marshals The course will be marshalled by volunteer members of Bedford Harriers vociferously supporting runners. A lead cyclist will lead the way. Toilets Toilets available.
Promoted and organised by Bedford Harriers AC, a not-for-profit volunteer organisation
Doug Anderson, a founder member of Bedford Harriers AC.
Race memento *A commemorative race memento is available - please select this option at the time of your race registration. If receiving a medal after the race is important to you, please enter early as there is a limited supply available. NOTE: MEMENTOS HAVE NOW SOLD OUT!
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